Tuesday, September 23, 2014

One Lovely Blog Award... For Me? Thank You!

Today's post is my nomination from Cheri Passey of Carolina Girl Genealogy as "One Lovely Blog!"

Cheri, thank you so much for mentioning me and my lil' blog! I appreciate you and all of you out there in genealogyland who read and comment!

Here are the rules for the One Lovely Blog Award:

Seven Things About Me

  1. I have been researching my family for more than half my life! As a teenager, I took notes while talking with my grandparents about their families, long before the internet existed.
  2. I have two sons whose amazing running accomplishments are a huge source of pride. They have both run cross country and track since junior high, and now into high school and college, and have experienced success at the state and national level. Love them!
  3. I have lived in four states: Illinois, Iowa, Colorado and Michigan.
  4. Number One on my Bucket List is visiting Stonehenge.
  5. My camera memory card holds thousands of (backed up) photos from only two categories: running meets and cemeteries.
  6. I am "all in" with DNA as a genealogical tool. I'm even taking a free online genetics course to help understand it on a deeper level.
  7. I like my ancestors old and my music new: my current favorite band is Arctic Monkeys. It just adds to my weirdness!

My Nominations 

(in no particular order, and just a few highlights)

While this greatly appreciated shout-out shines a spotlight on me for a moment, I hope you all have a chance to support more bloggers using the various nominations. As I read through my list of followed blogs, so many seem to have slowly gone the way of our ancestors. Please keep your blogging and genealogy alive - you never know who might be looking for you!

Thanks to all of you who read along and share in this ancestral hunt we are all on!
